WATA Brut 750ml
WATA Brut 750ml
Modern Cider / Refined Dry
Cidermaker Notes :
Bright, clear and golden in color. Filled with delicate, tiny bubbles, this is a robust cider on the palate and finishes with great length. The mouthfeel is complex, performing a symphony of peaches, roses and green apples. A refined dry cider.
Varietal :
Single varietal : Single varietal Starking Delicious
Orchards :
Produced and Bottled in the Wata orchards in Wata el Jawz, Mount Lebanon.
Aging & Refining :
In the fall, ripe apples are hand-picked and pressed. They undergo a 4-week cold fermentation followed by 12 months of aging in metalized liners. The cider is filtered and unrefined raw cane sugar is added.
Pairing Notes :
Best served chilled, this fine cider is an all-year companion to your aperitifs and brunches. Enjoy within two years of vintage.
Alcohol : 6.5% Total Acidity : 4.1 G/L Sugar : 18 G Bottle: 750 ML